We are always duped by offers that make it seem like making money on line by “just clicking” is possible. As I have said before, if it was possible, everyone would simply be doing it. It would not be a secret for long.

ClickyPay is yet another lying-from-the start software. Buyer beware. It does not do what it says.

What’s worse: it does not even do what it could do, if it were to do it.

This is an affiliate-promoted product, and I am NOT an affiliate.

The Promise

From the ClickyPay sales page:

The World’s 1st System That Pays Us To Click Our Mouse!

Every 30 Seconds = I’m Getting Paid $2.50 OVER & OVER, By Simply Clicking on Websites!

(The More We Click, The More Profits We Make…)

It makes it seem as if you could just click on websites and earn some cash. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Read On….

What ClickyPay Does . . . Or Could Potentially Do

ClickyPay is an online program that is supposed to allow you to add advertisements to videos – and it could be any video.

The idea is that the video on your website or landing page would have little “pop-ups” on the bottom with your affiliate offers. When a viewer mouses over the tab, it would pop-up and they could click through to your offer.

I was able to create the preview of how I wanted it to look within the product, and created this gif image to demonstrate:


A few notes:

  • I had to contact support because I could not figure out how to upload the little image you see for each tab. They did respond and helped me figure it out – but as you read on, there were a few other issues that came up.
  • If you decide to try it, you will need to select all colors for fonts, backgrounds, etc. Otherwise, when you go to embed it in a landing page, they might be different than what you want, even if they looked right in the preview.
  • IMPORTANT: You can not save your video-click combination after you have created your masterpiece. Sort of a bummer, in case you would want to just go in and make a simple change. Instead, you have to start over from the beginning.

It Doesn’t Always Work…

Why am I not surprised?

And I’m even more annoyed at Ashley Digital, a YouTube reviewer of digital products. He is an affiliate for the product, so wants to sell it and not show the pitfalls for the average user. You can watch his video HERE.

Ashley continually misleads people – this is not the first time. In his desire to sell the product, he only goes so far as to show the software “within the software”. In this case, he does not show creation of a final product nor does he embed the finished ClickyPay Video into his website – or a webpage –  to show it in action.

I tried using this two ways:

  • I tried to embed a ClickyPay video on marketyoursocksoff.com (this website), which is a WordPress site. It slowed it down terribly and began to freeze up the site so I had to remove it and use an image of the resulting process instead (see below). As you can see, it was really a mess.

  • I embedded it into a Lead Page at leadpages.net, and it worked there. VIEW THE LEAD PAGE. You will notice that the images for the first and second advertisement are the same – not like my gif image above. So frustrating again!! I could not figure out how to make it stop doing that. Again, I contacted support. I will update this post once they contact me with a solution (assuming they do and there is one).

Needless to say, there are some frustrations in using the tool, which is a shame. It has a lot of promise. If It worked perfectly, it would be an interesting tool, even if you couldn’t use it everywhere.

If It Was Easy…

I’m not a complicated person. But I am extremely digital-savvy.

But this really has to be super easy for YOU. If it had worked for me, I could easily give you instructions on what to do to make it work.

But I can’t. Because it does not work every time in every scenario. And if I struggle with it, and I really know my way around website design – how in the world will you be able to do this?

Bottom Line…

program is a noI again, spent my money so you don’t have to reach in to your pocket. This is not, in my humble opinion, worth the money. You will be too frustrated and waste too much time for results that are not what you are expecting.

Look, I’m writing this right at the end of 2021 – do yourself a favor and really make a smart investment in your home business in the New Year. Watch this video, and let me know what you think.

Mentioned in this article: WATCH THIS VIDEO