

7 Reasons Why Others Succeed in Internet Marketing and You Don’t

If you search “how to succeed in internet marketing” (give it a shot –  I did) you’ll get a bunch of gobbledygook about SEO and optimization, analyzing data, and other digital related tasks. And there is a good chance you won’t be able to do most of these things yourself. While there may be value there, that’s not necessarily why […]


Three Marketing Strategy Methods: What Works For You?

I’m sure you’ve heard that old adage, “there’s more than one way to skin a cat”.  Disgusting though that may seem, it’s simply saying there is more than one way to do things.

In fact, in 1840, American humorist Seba Smith wrote a short story, “The Money Diggers” in which she says, “As it is said, ‘There are more ways than […]


Getting Down To Business: Five Keys to Success

Are you starting out in network marketing? Are you starting out in affiliate marketing? Maybe you are doing one or the other, but are unsure of the difference. You just heard it was a great way to earn money, so you want to try.

Before you start, know this: Marketing is a business. You are starting a business. Those who have […]


Internet Marketing Resources: What I Use Everyday

A few times a week I’m asked what I do as a professional marketer. In other words, “what works for me?”

I’m going to share that with you. But I first I’d like to point out: there is a different drum beat for each person on the planet. What works for me will not always work for others.

However, there may be […]


What is the Perfect Sales Pitch?

There are a LOT of promises being made out there in the online marketing world. Everything about it is fast, easy money.

Your problems are solved for you!

No worries, you’ll be rich in no time flat. And “we’ll do everything for you – don’t even lift a finger!

The most interesting part, is that the pitches outlined in this article, and even […]


Looking For Your Online Business Blueprint?

Experts and Gurus used to tout their “bonus mindmaps” for years, which were nothing more than diagrams with a bunch of arrows and lines all over the place. They were as helpful as mud in giving any kind of direction to someone looking for clues to starting an online business venture.

The latest trend, which seems to have replaced the mindmap, […]

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