Is affiliate marketing too competitive? There are approximately 7.6 billion humans on the earth. And, good or bad, there are about 10,000 affiliate marketing programs out there. Some are more successful than others. There is always room for someone with an idea and passion to pursue affiliate marketing.

The beauty of it is, you don’t have to settle for just one thing. You can grow into many things over time.

What will guarantee affiliate marketing success? Nothing. I can say, though, if you don’t start, how will you have success at all? (okay, maybe that sounds like your mother speaking)

Here are a few pointers that might help you start on the right foot.

It’s About Giving, Not Getting

Success in affiliate marketing is really more about what you are willing to give. People are looking for guidance and support. If you can offer that, combined with offering products or services that pay you a commission, you will be a bigger winner.

It’s still about “know like and trust”. I know it must sound cliché at this point, but your people, tribe, followers or whatever you will call them, will have to find you and believe that you can help them.

Where their story intersects with yours will be the gold.

Sharing What is Relevant to Your Audience

Be in tune with your audience. What do they want? Believe it or not, this is more important than “What do they need?”. Why? As humans, we don’t always know what we need.

In a previous life I worked in the insurance industry. A wise coach told me, “sell them what they want, and then go back to sell them what they need.”

As a marketer, you will want to be in touch with both wants and needs and know when to offer the thing that will help your people AND put money in your pocket.

Telling Your Own Story

Some people seem to have wonderful life stories of travels or family or other adventures. I’m not one of them. Are you?

People do business with people. Share your story – your REAL story. It is likely to resonate with many more people than you think. Those with whom it resonates best – they will become your strongest supporters, and maybe even become friends.

Using Your Own Voice

Are you one of those happy, gregarious people? If so that should be the tone of what you do. If not, don’t try to be something you’re not.

I like to be honest and tell it like it is. I try to not be judgmental. I’m not overly happy, but I like to be conversational. Thankfully, I learned to type back in the “old days” on a manual typewriter. So when I’m buzzing along on a computer keyboard – I can type almost as fast as I think. That does help.

But I digress.

Find your tone. Find your voice. Be Yourself.

Work on Social Platforms that Make Sense For You And Your Audience

If your audience is primarily on Instagram and you are not. Get with it. You will have to figure it out quickly.

On the other hand, if you just don’t want to use it, don’t. Guess what – it’s a big world of social media out there, and you can use Facebook and have success too.

There is no one answer. You have to interact socially online in a way in which you are comfortable. If you are not a member of the “Twitterati”, forget it.

It’s better to select one thing and do it well, then to try to do too many things and not get the audience you need to help your efforts and put money in your pocket.

Use Online Tools That You Are Comfortable With

Everyone has online tools that they love. As you get started, it’s likely that suggestions from others will come out of the woodwork (an old fashioned idiom, but, hey, I’m old and I know it!).

Figure out what works for you. There are a few tools that you will probably need to use:

  • Something for graphics. Many people use I have preference for Stencil. You have to pay for it, but it works much more smoothly than canva and has tons of images included (you pay for them in canva).
  • Video: Maybe – it depends on your online “chops”. If you like learning things, I use InVideo, which is pretty easy and great.
  • Keyword helper: Google can be a big help when it comes to keywords. Just use the search bar, and it will automatically begin to fill in phrases that others have searched for. I use another tool along with that called Jaaxy. You can try Jaaxy for free, and it can also help tell how your website is ranking on Google.

If you don’t like using any particular tool, or process, you just won’t do it – and that may prevent you from finding success.

There Are Communities Of Affiliate Marketers Who Don’t Compete With Each Other

There actually are communities of affiliate marketers out there who work to help one another with questions and problems. Each may have her or his own niche and audience. But this proves there is room for all kinds of marketers out there – including you. Competition within these communities does not exist. I like Wealthy Affiliate, and you can start for free and see if you like it, or look around for a group you like.

Bottom Line

I hope you now realize that you can set yourself apart as an affiliate marketer, that there is no competition with others – only competition with yourself. You have to be the one who discovers your passion AND your soul and get the wheels rolling.

What do I do? Read about my program here.