Are you an Affiliate or Network Marketer?
whichever you might be, you probably noticed that what you do includes the word “marketer”. If you’re a marketer, you have to be involved in marketing. That is, marketing yourself AND the programs that you think are relevant for others, as well as yourself.
Network Marketers need each other, working together to build relationships that might be profitable for themselves and others.
As for me, I like to work within programs that provide value, most often as an affiliate rather than a network marketer. Also, having spent that last dozen years in digital marketing, I like to share marketing thoughts and ideas that might help others have greater success.
Here’s to SUCCESS – both yours and mine!
Some people have a lot of time, but no money– It’s because they don’t work hard enough. Some people have a lot of money, but no time– It’s because they don’t work smart enough. The most successful people have both.
― Bob Sharpe